home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* HeaderManager.thor - (c) Neil Bothwick 1996 */
- /* $VER: HeaderManager.thor 1.10 (14.08.96) */
- /* Adds, edits and deletes header lines in Thor events */
- /* Thanks to ForwardMsg.thor by Petter Nilsen for some */
- /* of the user database code */
- options results
- /* needs THOR and bbsread.library functions */
- thorport = address()
- if left(thorport,5) ~= 'THOR.' then do
- say 'Headers.thor must be run from within Thor.'
- end
- if ~show('p', 'BBSREAD') then do
- address command
- 'run >nil: `GetEnv THOR/THORPath`bin/LoadBBSRead'
- 'WaitForPort BBSREAD'
- end
- /* Set up some stuff */
- Changed = 0
- drop Menu. HdrMenu.
- Menu.1 = '""'
- Menu.2 = '"Add new header"'
- Menu.3 = '""'
- Menu.4 = '"Save and exit"'
- Menu.5 = '""'
- Menu.6 = '"HELP"'
- Menu.Count = 6
- HdrMenu.1 = 'Cc:'
- HdrMenu.2 = 'Bcc:'
- HdrMenu.3 = 'Followup-To:'
- HdrMenu.4 = 'Reply-To:'
- HdrMenu.5 = 'Custom'
- HdrMenu.Count = 5
- ThorPath = pragma('D')
- /* Read system details */
- address(thorport)
- address(bbsread)
- GETBBSDATA bbsname '"'System'"' stem BBS
- DataPath = BBS.BBSPATH
- /* Get number of selected event */
- address(thorport)
- if(rc ~= 0) then do
- address(thorport)
- errstring = THOR.LASTERROR
- if RC = 5 then errstring = 'Event window not open'
- call ExitMsg(errstring)
- end
- EventNo = result
- /* Get event details */
- address(bbsread)
- READBREVENT '"'System'"' eventnr EventNo datastem EVENTDATA tagsstem EVENTTAGS
- if RC > 0 then call ExitMsg(BBSREAD.LASTERROR)
- if EVENTDATA.EVENTTYPE > 1 then call ExitMsg('You can only edit the headers\nfor an Enter or Reply event')
- if pos('.',EVENTTAGS.CONFERENCE) > 0 then IsNews = 1
- else IsNews = 0
- /* Main loop */
- call ReadHeaders
- do until StopEdit = 1
- StopEdit = MainMenu()
- end
- address(thorport)
- if Changed = 1 then REQUESTNOTIFY '"You have changed some headers.\nDo you want to save them before exiting?"' '"_Yes|_No"'
- if RC = 30 then call ExitMsg(THOR.LASTERROR)
- if result = 1 then call WriteHeaders
- exit
- /* Show messages to user */
- ShowMsg:
- OldAddr = address()
- address(thorport)
- parse arg MsgStr
- REQUESTNOTIFY '"'MsgStr'"' '" OK "'
- address(OldAddr)
- return
- ExitMsg:
- parse arg errmsg
- call ShowMsg(errmsg)
- exit
- /* Show main menu */
- MainMenu:
- address(thorport)
- do i = 1 to Menu.Count
- interpret 'Header.'NowHeaders+i '=' Menu.i
- end
- Header.Count = NowHeaders + Menu.Count
- REQUESTLIST instem Header SIZEGADGET title '"Headers in current message"'
- if RC = 30 then call ExitMsg(THOR.LASTERROR)
- option = result
- if RC = 5 then return 1
- select
- when option = '' then nop
- when option = 'Add new header' then call AddHeader
- when option = 'Save and exit' then do
- call WriteHeaders
- return 1
- end
- when option = 'HELP' then do
- address command 'MultiView docs/HeaderManager.guide PUBSCREEN' GLOBALCFG.PUBSCREENNAME
- end
- otherwise do
- /* Get number of header selected */
- HdrNo = 0
- do i = 1 to NowHeaders
- if Header.i = option then HdrNo = i
- end
- REQUESTNOTIFY '"'option'\n\nEdit or Delete this header?"' '"_Edit|_Delete"'
- if RC > 0 then ExitMsg(THOR.LASTERROR)
- if result = 1 then call EditHeader
- else call DeleteHeader
- end
- end
- return 0
- /* Read headers in current event */
- ReadHeaders:
- address(thorport)
- if ~open(msg,MsgFile,'R') then call ExitMsg('Failed to open message file')
- n = 0
- drop Header.
- Header.Count = 0
- do until eof(msg)
- NextLine = readln(msg)
- if length(NextLine)=0 | right(word(NextLine,1),1) ~= ':' then leave
- n = n + 1
- Header.n = NextLine
- Header.Count = n
- end
- call close(msg)
- MsgHeaders = Header.Count
- NowHeaders = Header.Count
- return
- /* Update message file with new headers */
- WriteHeaders:
- address(thorport)
- OutFile = 'T:ThorHeaders.'time(s)
- if ~open(msg,MsgFile,'R') then call ExitMsg('Failed to open message file')
- if ~open(out,OutFile,'W') then call ExitMsg('Failed to open temporary file')
- do i = 1 to MsgHeaders
- call readln(msg)
- end
- do i = 1 to NowHeaders
- call writeln(out,Header.i)
- end
- if MsgHeaders = 0 & NowHeaders > 0 then call writeln(out,'')
- do until eof(msg)
- block = readch(msg, 1048576)
- call writech(out,block)
- end
- call close(out)
- call close(msg)
- address command 'copy' OutFile MsgFile
- address command 'delete >NIL:' OutFile
- Changed = 0
- return
- /* Add a new header */
- AddHeader:
- REQUESTLIST instem HdrMenu SIZEGADGET title '"Choose header to add"'
- if RC = 30 then call ExitMsg(THOR.LASTERROR)
- if RC = 5 then return
- Hdr = result
- select
- when Hdr = 'Cc:' then do
- if IsNews = 0 then call GetAddress
- else do
- call ShowMsg('Cc: headers not allowed in news')
- Hdr = ''
- end
- end
- when Hdr = 'Bcc:' then do
- if IsNews = 0 then call GetAddress
- else do
- call ShowMsg('Bcc: headers not allowed in news')
- Hdr = ''
- end
- end
- when Hdr = 'Followup-To:' then do
- if IsNews = 1 then call GetConf
- else do
- call ShowMsg('Followup-To: headers not allowed in mail')
- Hdr = ''
- end
- end
- when Hdr = 'Reply-To:' then do
- call GetAddress
- end
- when Hdr = 'Custom' then do
- REQUESTSTRING title '"Add header"' body '"Enter custom header"' bt '" OK |Cancel"' id '"X-"'
- if RC = 0 then Hdr = result
- else Hdr = ''
- end
- otherwise nop
- end
- if Hdr > '' then do
- NowHeaders = NowHeaders + 1
- Header.Count = NowHeaders
- Header.NowHeaders = Hdr
- Changed = 1
- end
- return
- /* Edit a header */
- EditHeader:
- HdrType = upper(word(Header.HdrNo,1))
- Hdr = ''
- select
- when HdrType = 'CC:' then do
- Hdr = 'Cc:'
- call GetAddress(subword(Header.HdrNo,2))
- end
- when HdrType = 'BCC:' then do
- Hdr = 'Bcc:'
- call GetAddress(subword(Header.HdrNo,2))
- end
- when HdrType = 'FOLLOWUP-TO:' then do
- Hdr = 'Followup-To:'
- call GetConf(subword(Header.HdrNo,2))
- end
- when HdrType = 'REPLY-TO:' then do
- Hdr = 'Reply-To:'
- call GetAddress(subword(Header.HdrNo,2))
- end
- otherwise do
- REQUESTSTRING title '"Edit header"' body '"Editing 'Header.HdrNo'"' bt '" OK |Cancel"' id '"'Header.HdrNo'"'
- if RC = 0 then Hdr = result
- end
- end
- if Hdr ~= '' then do
- Header.HdrNo = Hdr
- Changed = 1
- end
- return
- /* Delete a header */
- DeleteHeader:
- do i = HdrNo to NowHeaders-1
- interpret 'Header.i = Header.'i+1
- end
- NowHeaders = NowHeaders - 1
- Changed = 1
- return
- /* Ask for an email address */
- GetAddress:
- parse arg default
- if default > '' then OldHdr = Hdr default /* Backup original header */
- else OldHdr = ''
- REQUESTSTRING title '"Address header"' body '"Enter email address(es)"' bt '" _OK |_Cancel"' id '"'default'"' maxchars 200
- if RC = 30 then ExitMsg(THOR.LASTERROR)
- if RC = 5 then do /* If nothing entered */
- Hdr = OldHdr
- return
- end
- UserName = result
- UserAddr = ''
- drop USERS. SUG.
- address(bbsread)
- SEARCHBRUSER bbsname '"'System'"' stem USERS search '"'UserName'"' name address alias suggestusersstem SUG
- if RC = 30 then call ExitMsg(BBSREAD.LASTERROR)
- Found = result
- if Found > 0 then do /* Match(es) found */
- drop LIST.
- drop USERTAGS.
- do i = 1 to USERS.COUNT /* Build a list of user names */
- READBRUSER bbsname '"'System'"' usernr USERS.i.USERNR tagsstem USERTAGS
- if RC > 0 then call ExitMsg(BBSREAD.LASTERROR)
- end
- address(thorport) /* Select a user */
- drop UserName.
- REQUESTLIST instem LIST outstem USERS title '"Select user:"' dragselect
- if RC = 30 then call ExitMsg(THOR.LASTERROR)
- do j = 1 to USERS.COUNT
- do i = 1 to LIST.COUNT /* Check for email addresses */
- if LIST.i = USERS.j then UserAddr = UserAddr','LIST.i.ADDRESS
- end
- end
- end
- else do /* No exact match found */
- if(symbol("SUG.COUNT") = "VAR") then do
- address(thorport)
- drop USERS. UserNum.
- REQUESTLIST instem SUG outstem USERS title '"Select user:"' dragselect
- if RC = 30 then call ExitMsg(THOR.LASTERROR)
- if RC = 5 then do /* If cancelled, use address as typed */
- Hdr = Hdr UserName
- return
- end
- do j = 1 to USERS.COUNT
- do i = 1 to SUG.COUNT /* Get the user number */
- if SUG.i = USERS.j then UserNum.j = SUG.i.USERNR
- end
- end
- address(bbsread) /* Get data on users selected */
- do i = 1 to USERS.COUNT
- drop USERTAGS.
- READBRUSER bbsname '"'System'"' usernr UserNum.i tagsstem USERTAGS
- if RC > 0 then call ExitMsg(BBSREAD.LASTERROR)
- if(symbol("USERTAGS.ADDRESS") = "VAR") then UserAddr = UserAddr','USERTAGS.ADDRESS
- end
- end
- else do /* No users found in search */
- call ShowMsg('No matching users found')
- UserAddr = ''
- Hdr = OldHdr
- end
- end
- if left(UserAddr,1) = ',' then UserAddr = substr(UserAddr,2)
- if UserAddr > '' then Hdr = Hdr UserAddr
- else Hdr = ''
- return
- /* Ask for a conference name */
- GetConf:
- parse arg default
- if default > '' then OldHdr = Hdr default /* Backup original header */
- else OldHdr = ''
- address(bbsread)
- GETCONFLIST bbsname '"'System'"' stem CONFS
- if RC = 30 then call ExitMsg(BBSREAD.LASTERROR)
- address(thorport)
- REQUESTLIST instem CONFS outstem SELECTED title '"Select newsgroup(s)"' dragselect
- select
- when RC = 30 then call ExitMsg(THOR.LASTERROR)
- when RC = 5 then Hdr = OldHdr
- otherwise do
- Conf = ''
- do i = 1 to SELECTED.COUNT
- if upper(SELECTED.i) = 'EMAIL' then SELECTED.i = 'poster'
- Conf = Conf','SELECTED.i
- end
- Hdr = Hdr substr(Conf,2)
- end
- end
- return